Why developing a personal brand is critical for emerging talent

Why personal band matters?

Not so long ago the notion of ‘leave it at the door’ when going into work was common practice.

This meant that it really wasn’t encouraged to show up and share your full self, let alone lead with it from a personal brand perspective.

But thank goodness times have changed!

In this era of digital dominance and constant connectivity, building and maintaining a personal brand is no longer a luxury—it's a necessity.

As Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos says, “Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.”

So, what is a personal brand?

Personal brand delves into the very essence of who you are as an individual.​

​It's about how you present yourself to the world, how you're perceived by others, and the unique value you bring to the table. ​

​In short, it's the art of defining yourself before others do it for you. ​

AND, it’s a great way to get to know yourself and build your professional network.

Why is this so important for emerging talent?

Emerging talent are at the prime time of their career for networking, making connections and learning as many new skills as possible. And sometimes networking and meeting new people can feel tricky.

Developing your personal brand can help you build the confidence in who your are, what you stand for and what you bring to the table.

If you know these things it makes it 100% easier to communicate them when you meet Joe from finance at the water cooler.

So, why else is it important?

Developing Professional Credibility

Trust is so important in the professional world, and personal branding is a way to build that trust. A well-crafted personal brand builds credibility by showcasing your expertise, values, and commitment. As a graduate, establishing yourself as a credible professional early on can make the difference between being an applicant and being a sought-after candidate.

Networking with Purpose

Networking can feel hard but at it’s essence it's about building genuine connections. Your personal brand serves as an introduction, a virtual handshake that precedes any face-to-face interaction. By consistently presenting yourself in a way that aligns with your personal brand, you create a cohesive and memorable image, building meaningful connections within your industry.

Preparing for Career Growth

Your journey as a graduate is just the beginning. A well rounded personal brand is not only an asset for securing your first job but also a foundation for your entire career. As industries evolve, so should your personal brand. It becomes a dynamic tool for adapting to new challenges, showcasing your growth, and positioning yourself as a valuable asset in a constantly changing professional landscape.

Bottom line

A personal brand will evolve over time.

If you don’t define yourself, someone else will.

It gets to be a fun and exploratory process!

We recommend reviewing your brand every year and checking in to see if the way you’re communicating about yourself is still aligned.

We’d love to know, have you refreshed your personal brand for 2024?

And if you’re looking to run a personal brand training session for your workplace reach out. It’s one of our favourites to share with both graduate cohorts and whole organisations.


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